Reservations FAQ

Updated by Ekitzel Wood

  • When can I receive my Eli ZERO?
    Placing a reservation reserves you the right to receive Eli ZERO much earlier than general availability.
    At the moment we are facing both high demand and limited production capacity. The reservation system is to ensure earliest availability to reservation holders before general availability.
    We will begin shipment later this year in small quantities, first to the selected states of NC, SC, TX, FL and GA. We will slowly expand our sales to most states. Deliver will vary by region and by the order your reservation is received.
    Once reserved we will keep you updated regarding the availability in your region, once your vehicle is available to purchase a local dealer will be in touch to follow up and complete your order.

  • Can I cancel my reservation?
    You may cancel your reservation at any time, and receive a full refund. Refunds may take up to 3 weeks to process depending on your method of payment.
    Once a reservation is canceled, the order of your reservation will not be kept even if you re-submit.

  • Will financing options be available?
    A local dealer will offer financing options through third parties. We are also working on providing an alternative financing option, please refer to the detailed policies available at the time of purchase.

  • What’s it like to drive an Eli ZERO?
    Eli ZERO is a new mobility experience designed for daily urban trips —compact, efficient, convenient yet do not sacrifice the comfort of a car. Think of it this way— Eli ZERO is the iPad if conventional cars were laptops.
    In the US, Eli ZERO is classified as an NEV(Neighborhood Electric Vehicle)— a class of street-legal transportation vehicle that has a maximum speed of 25 mph, and can legally be driven on most roads posted 35 mph or less. Click here to learn more about NEV.

  • What is the Warranty Policy
    2 Years /20000km(12000miles) limited warranty, plus
    3 Years /50000km(30000miles) Battery warranty.
    Please refer to the detailed policies available at the time of purchase.

  • I am a dealer/ fleet operator
    If you are interested in becoming a dealer, or if you are interested in acquiring a fleet of Eli ZERO, please contact us at
  • More about Eli ZERO?
    For more information, please visit our extensive FAQ at or email us at

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